Friday, August 19, 2011

Dedicated To A Wonderful Father

I can see only care in your eyes, my father
I saw a tender affection in your deeds
when I eat, your appetite is gone
when I cry, your eyes are wet
I don't know...
GOD cannot be with everyone
So, He had sent you to be with me saying...

Take care of my own child as yours 
She is my little angel who needs to be cared for,
who has to be guided and watched.

My father, I wish you to live long 
As no one can care for me
like you...


Aswati C Menon said...

A very nice poem, ma'am!!!
Fathers are the ones who look after us with care and love!!!
It's true that no one can care for us like fathers, as you said!!!

Mishal Mohammed KM said...

true maam !!!!!!!! its a real one!!!!!

Nikita Nayar said...

its a very nice one maam