Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Best Poets!

         I realized how babies see their world when my baby cousins visited me a few days before.

         Babies...They find something that is more than what it really is in each and everything they see. They find something extra ordinary in everything. They think two leaves put together is a butterfly. They scold the butterfly that fly around if it doesn't come to them. They ask the fishes to come out of the water and eat something. Babies are fascinating. Really very fascinating.

        A very funny thing happened when my cousin and I were simply trying to draw something. She drew 2 curved lines parallel to each other, joined both ends, put a dot in the middle, scribbled in the end and said, "Grand ma, meemee." She meant a fish that was quite old. I always wonder why fishes are called"'meemee".

          Another funny incident was when we were eating apples. She took a small apple, placed it on the ground, tried to stand on it and  balance herself with 2 sticks and said, "The earth is going boing boing!!!"

          Babies would be the best poets in the whole because they just are so imaginative that they have another earth near the blue-green earth.

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