Friday, November 28, 2014

My Worthy Little Friend

 by Nanda Nair of Class VII A

Oh! My worthy little friend,
Where, where have you gone 
leaving me in the dark tunnel alone?
We did fight, showed our might,
We did cry and friends again!
But never, Oh! never I saw you again!

Oh! My worthy little friend,
Aren't you missing me yet?
Once you came to my mind,
and returned me a fresh little kind!
Your love, your hope, your smile
Never will be erased!

Oh! My worthy little friend,
Didn't you ever gone searching for me?
I did, I did search for you,
All through the city -
And tried even calling you!

Oh! My worthy little friend!
My love is within you!
When, oh, when will you return -
And join our mighty friendship?

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