Saturday, October 13, 2012

Introducing Diversity

     Us mortals being the result of our creators pallete,have been endowed with a plethora  of abilities and weaknesses.The former may or may not enjoy the privilege of being unexampled .If it is the case there exists
a wide scope to garner appreciation.But more often than not the complementary situation prevails.With the incidence of similiar abilities being of accentuating prevalence,ones acheivments are starved of its sole incentive to evolve and develop.Since procuring the assent of ones fellow being has always been the sole motive of the human behaviourism,the absence of it berefts the individual of the imperative motivation.
     And hence the exigency to evolve and change arises,if your current crop of abilities fail to impress or is of
no practical implication by all means innovate.Us humans are a result of millions of years of evolution,our DNA is armed with that ability to adapt.Many may combat my meditations up to this point and may allege
my disloyalty to personal individuality.But to these people I  suggest or rather question ,are you like everybody else?What indeed is the point of being a mere cell in a body,or a unit in a mob?What is the point of existence in mediocrity if you cant stand out?The annals of history offer room not to those who imitate but rather to those who initiate  revolution.Be different DONT blend with the trends!


Blog Admin said...

Whoah! What's up Kevin?! Is this a reaction to a recent encounter or observation? lol. Anyway, it's a good one and I am all for it!

deeps said...

thats with a touch of philosophy...
keep writing