Friday, April 13, 2012

The Badminton Game

I often play badminton with my brother and his friends. Sometimes we play at the night. When we play at night noone will be there except my brother and me. It would be really nice to play but by the time you return home you feel like someone is tearing your muscles apart. It will still be refreshing and you feel like playing it again and again.

Once we were playing as usual at night, when my mind wandered of somewhere. I wasn't really concentrating but still playing. I was lost in toughts, Somethings I didn't even want to think about. Somethings I didn't even know. It happens to everyone you'll be concentrating on something really badly when something turns up and your mind just literally gets out of your control. This once, I was trying to convert life into a badminton game. Weird but yes I was trying to do it.

The little thing  just flies into your court and however you hit it, however hard you hit it, it must go across the net. but sometimes you hit it too hard. Sometimes you just don't get to hit it. Sometimes you hit it too slowly. But there will be a time when you hit it perfectly fine.
Just like a badminton game, situations fly into your life and you will be supposed to hit it out of your life. And just like the game, sometimes you'll be too hard that it goes out of the court and your opponent gains a point and most importantly you don't. Sometimes you hit too slowly that it remains in your court which is supposedly your life and again you lose a point. When you hit it perfectly fine the person doesn't get to hit it back and you gain a point. I don't I have to tell you how that is related to a normal person's life.
You can relate everything in your life with many things that you do everyday like I did in here. Observe what is happening around you. Watch. Maybe, you can live better life that way. I don't know.....maybe..Stop reading the blog and think for a while. :-)


Blog Admin said...

Good work, Aiswarya. I see you have a skill for doing reflections. We'll have more of it in this year's class. ;)

Aiswarya Keyan said...

Thank you,mam! :D