Friday, March 18, 2011

A Fairy Story

Part I
           In March, the summer officially arrives.  We renew an annual tradition at home. Children are given small shiny bowls to collect pieces of nature that remind them of the coming season. We all have our small bowls and go for a walk in the nearby fields. It is fun. Then comes the interesting part. We keep the bowls on the stairs of my house and go to play. Guess what? The bowls are then filled with mouth watering strawberry ice creams.
          This summer, we had my brother with us. He was new to this traditional festival because he lived in a boarding school till last year.
          We all started eating the ice cream without no amusement because it was something usual for us. We left the bowls. Went to play. Came back. Saw the ice creams. And, GULP! It was all over! Actually, none of us knew how the ice cream came. The thing was that none of us ever cared about who supplied the ice cream because everyone was afraid that the ice cream supplier would stop giving us ice creams.
          I noticed my brother staring at the bowl in his hand. He didn't know what to do with it. I ignored him because he had that "I aM hApPy WiTh WhaT i HaVe" attitude.

Part II

          At night he was told to sleep near me. I always hated sleeping near him. I had my reasons. He would kick me 'till i fall off the bed and I would have to sleep on the floor. But today was a bit different. He stared at me for quite a very long time. At last he asked me, 
          "Who did it?''
          'Who did what?' I asked.
          "The ice creams."
          'Oh, you still have that in your head?'
          "Yes. Tell me the reason. Was it the fairies?"
                    Obviously, a ten year old would think something like that. But I had to say something. I was too tired to argue with him. I had to think of a reason that would do good for both him and me.
          'Yes, I did it! I took the neighbour's help.'
         He actually thought that it was the fairies who did it. He would wink at me each time we saw the ice cream filled bowls. But who is going to tell me the truth?
        I still think about this when every one else was having his good night sleep.
                                                                                                  Aiswarya Keyan
                                                                                                         Class VII


Amita Govindraj said...

um, a doubt, why is the "I aM hApPy WiTh WhaT i HaVe" with irregular capitals?
and isn't 'Lair' supposed to be Liar? just asking.
And I've got one more question, If the ice-creams were waiting for you, wouldn't they be melted? :D

It's a good story, Keep it up!

Blog Admin said...

I think the "irregular capitals" (or toggle case?) indicate the "happy" mood. And, yes. It's "Liar". Correction has been made. Thanks for the info.

Regarding the ice cream. If it was really made by fairies then surely it wouldn't melt. ;P

Yes, good story, Aishwarya. Keep writing. Waiting for more stories from you. You write well.

Amita Govindraj said...

Okay.I understand. I had noticed the 'Lair' thing when it was in the drafts before, I check them so I know what to expect ;P.

Oh right. I just remembered that the icecreams I usually eat aren't made by fairies, no wonder they melt so fast!

Thanks again for the wonderful story! I'll be checking here every so often from now on.