Saturday, August 24, 2013

All kids are born genius, but crushed by the society - By: Vishal Kurian

"Normal" is a social standard created by those who feel they are right for living their own lifestyle; therefore it is a concept that can be used as a weapon against others to make them feel inadequate as though they could never measure up to this standard. In other word, it is a box created by people to make others feel different. But, the intelligent ones know that there is no such box and normality is boring.

Try to think for too long and you may become frustrated with the world's issues. But try not to think long enough and you will become the issues that frustrate the world.

Another concept which is more boring is "religion and caste discrimination". Just for the purpose of being superior from one another,  some people long before created the caste system and its laws. Caste ideas should never be praised or followed by the new generation, especially when we have proven that everyone is equal.

I admire people who have a great sense of power in  life, who really know themselves and act on how they can improve themselves, their communities and the world. I appreciate the unusual or ordinary people who are authentic, who-by-nature, would more readily admit their fears than try to cover them up. I'm not concluding that the society is "evil"or anything. I just want to tell the world of  some of the "orthodox" practices.


Blog Admin said...

I sincerely agree with you, Vishal. Normal is really boring. And, when someone IS different, people will do all they can to make that person conform to their ways and to make that person like them.

Everybody is unique. It is our birthright.

Unknown said...

Thumbs up. The world doesn't need any more people conforming to ancient, social norm, as much as it needs people who empower others to break free and be true to themselves. I find this whole "Being Yourself" concept rippling across our generation, and hopefully it helps us alter the world for the better :D
Ms.Mel - I concur XD